Opening collaboration for community-driven scholarly communication

Date de l’événement

24-26 avril 2024

Operas conference 2024

This conference is organised by the OPERAS-PLUS project to support the development of the OPERAS Research Infrastructure, supporting open scholarly communication for Social Sciences and Humanities in the European Research Area and to open up collaboration and facilitate exchange.

The OPERAS Conference aims to be a discussion hub in which different stakeholders such as researchers, decision-makers, publishers, librarians, and institutional service providers can share and compare their take on the current scholarly communication system and their vision for a sustainable future. The OPERAS conference will address issues relevant to the Social Sciences and Humanities field in the Open Science paradigm involving equitable publishing, multilingualism, bibliodiversity, and other related topics.

We want to discuss transparent, equitable publishing in a broad context and welcome presentations, workshops and posters focusing on the following issues:

  • Open collaboration for scholar-led publishing
  • Open Science policies and strategies
  • Sustaining the open scholarly communication infrastructure
  • Open Access usage data and metadata: exchange, aggregation, curation
  • Publication and data: citation, visualisation, licences
  • Scholarly communication support and services for citizen science
  • Multilingualism and collaboration
  • Equitable publishing models
  • Engagement and collaboration within  research communities
  • Research assessment and peer review
  • Innovative services, tools and technologies supporting Open Science and emerging trend in Open Science and publishing

Retrouvez toutes informations sur le site d’Operas :


  • II Palaces, Trg Petra Zoranića 1
    23000 Zadar, Croatie
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